Treasure Tampa

Treasure Tampa (T²) facilitates creative placemaking – the utilization of creative talent to elevate a community through cross-sector and community partnerships – in Tampa.  Through education, collaboration, and funding, Treasure Tampa will increase the quantity of placemaking projects within Tampa.  Ultimately projects funded through this initiative will be fun and bring new reasons to why the community treasures Tampa.


Treasure Tampa will fund a total of $30,000 to one or multiple creative placemaking projects in each grant cycle.   The amount awarded to each project may vary.  Letters of interest should not exceed a $30,000 request.

Who May Apply

Funding for Treasure Tampa must be issued to non-profit organizations.

For-profit organizations, individual designers, and individual artists that are not a non-profit can still receive the funding, if they partner with a non-profit or use a non-profit fiscal agent (a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit that is willing to accept money from us on your behalf.) Fiscal agents and sponsors must be secured before submitting a letter of interest. Fiscal sponsors/agents are only considered part of the collaboration if they are actively involved in the project.

Anyone can be a partner on any number of creative placemaking projects. We ask that there only be one application per project.


Funding is for a 12 month period beginning on the date the grant recipient is announced.  The creative placemaking project must start within 6 months of that date, and be completed within one year.



The heart of the creative placemaking project must be art, creativity, artists, or culture.


The community impacted by the creative placemaking project must be involved either in the design, creation, or implementation of the project.


The creative placemaking project will be a multi-sector partnership between the public, private, or non-profit sectors.  A minimum of two sectors are expected to be involved in the project.


The creative placemaking project must happen completely within the City of Tampa (Tampa Map. Check the address here) or the primary service area of the University Area Community Development Corporation (UACDC Map).

Special Considerations

Aspects of the creative placemaking project that will be taken into consideration but are not required:

What T² Funds

What T² Does Not Fund


It’s time to make some changes.

The Gobioff Foundation has decided to extend the hold on the Treasure Tampa program for at least another year. Although many amazing projects have been funded over the

Treasure Tampa (T²) Postponed

The Gobioff Foundation completed the fourth cycle of the Treasure Tampa (T²) grant earlier this year just as the pandemic was beginning to take hold. We’ve made the